I would like to do unpaid volunteer work for the SPACEWATCH® Project.

Thank you for your interest! SPACEWATCH® does not regularly seek nor do we regularly employ volunteer workers. An important way of helping our work, however, and of advancing the NEO field generally, would be for citizens such as yourself to express to your Senators and Representatives your appreciation of the importance of NEO work. SPACEWATCH® is a major planetary resource in the effort to discover and monitor NEOs which could pose a hazard to the Earth by colliding, or which can become mineral resources in future by being mined while orbiting the sun. When you write, phone, email, or FAX your Senators and Representatives (or all of the above!) to encourage them to fund NEO research, you will be helping SPACEWATCH® and the entire NEO field, as well as Solar System Science in general. Very few of our elected representatives are scientists, and they need to know that they have their constituents's support in advocating for scientific research and for NEO research in particular. Thank you for this very important and valuable support.