
Galaxies viewed at certain angles can look like a bright trail. The galaxies below, which could be said to look like trails (well...sort of, if seen in a single image rather than in blink view by a beginning reviewer), are probably edge on. In jpeg images, the shape of edge on galaxies is typically oval with somewhat pointy ends. Blinking images reveal whether a candidate is a FMO or not since FMOs will move and galaxies do not show obvious movement. Reviewers are asked NOT to resubmit candidates which have no apparent motion.

Example image of a galaxy


This is a bright galaxy. Notice the middle is wider than the ends and it is creating the oval shape.

Example image of galaxy


The little smudge centered in this image is worth clicking. But once a blinking image shows it has no apparent motion then it is not worth resubmitting to the SPACEWATCH® observer.