S/1999 J 1

The Minor Planet Center Press Release announces the discovery of a new outer Jovian Satellite called S/1999 J1.
Date: 1999 October 6.4
V Magnitude: 20.2
This image above is an animated GIF image that will blink through the 3 images from this particular night. The images are 2.2 arcminutes square with north on the right and east at the bottom. These images are displayed with reverse video showing objects appearing dark against a light background. The image is displayed so that the faintest objects can be seen and the noise in the sky background is readily apparent, including some obvious cosmic ray noise signatures just to the right of the object in pass 2. Also, an asteroid moves into the field of view at the bottom of pass 3. The integration time is about 146 seconds. The object is near the center of this image and is moving up and to the left from passes 1 to 3. Observations by R. S. McMillan and J. A. Larsen.
Date: 1999 October 30.4
V Magnitude 20.8
All images are 2.2 arcminutes square with north on the right and east at the bottom. The integration time is about 146 seconds. The object is near the center of these images and is moving up and to the left from passes 1 to 3. Observations by J. A. Larsen.