Note: CBETs are not available at the IAU website, so no link to an electronic version is provided here.
- Scotti, J. V. 2008. Targeted Recovery Observations of Comet P/1997 V1 = P/2008 L1 (Larsen). IAU CBET 1405
- Bressi, T. H., J. V. Scotti, and R. S. McMillan. 2009. Prediscovery and Targeted Followup Observations of Comet P/2009 SK280. IAU CBET 1975.
- Scotti, J. V. 2009. Targeted Recovery Observations of Comet P/2009 U2 = P/2001 YX127. IAU CBET 1982.
- Scotti, J. V., and R. S. McMillan. 2010. Followup Observations of Comet P/2010 A2. IAU CBET 2134.
- Scotti, J. V. 2010. Discovery and Followup Observations of Comet C/2010 H4. IAU CBET 2257.
- Scotti, J. V. 2010. Targeted Followup and Confirmation Observations of Main Belt Comet P/2010 R2.IAU CBET 2259.
- McMillan, R. S., J. V. Scotti, and M. L. Terenzoni. 2010. Confirming Followup Observations of Comet C/2010 X1.IAU CBET 2584.
- Scotti, J. V. Targeted Followup Observations of Comet C/2011 J2. IAU CBET 2714.
- Scotti, J. V. 2011. Recovery Observations of Comet P/2011 L5 = P/2000 G1. IAU CBET 2742.
- Bressi, T. H. 2011. Targeted Followup Observations of Comet P/2011 R3. IAU CBET 2812.
- Bressi, T. H., J. V. Scotti, and R. S. McMillan. 2011. Discovery and Followup Observations of Comet C/2011 U2 (Bressi). IAU CBET 2875.
- Bressi, T. H. 2011. Incidental Prediscovery Observations of Comet P/2011 UA134. IAU CBET 2879.
- Bressi, T. H. 2011. Targeted Followup Observations of Comet P/2011 V1. IAU CBET 2893.
- McMillan, R. S., and J. V. Scotti. 2011. Prediscovery and Incidental Followup Observations of Comet P/2011 W1. IAU CBET 2919.
- Read, M. T., and M. Block. 2011. Incidental Prediscovery Observations of Comet P/2006 VW_139. IAU CBET 2920.
- Scotti, J. V. 2011. Targeted Followup Observations of Comet P/2011 W2. IAU CBET 2922.
- Bressi, T. H., and J. V. Scotti. 2011. Targeted Followup Observations of Comet C/2011 UF305. IAU CBET 2960.
- Bressi, T. H. 2012. Targeted Followup Observations of Comet P/2012 B1. IAU CBET 2999.
- Scotti, J. V. 2012. Targeted Confirming Observations of Comet C/2012 CH17. IAU CBET 3020.
- McMillan, R. S., and T. H. Bressi. 2012. Incidental Prediscovery Observations of Comet C/2012 BJ98. IAU CBET 3039.
- Bressi, T. H. 2012. Incidental Discovery Observations of Comet C/2011 KP36. IAU CBET 3109.
- Read, M. T. 2012. Incidental Prediscovery Observations in 2003 of Comet P /2012 H1. IAU CBET 3116.
- Scotti, J. V. 2012. Targeted Followup Observations of Comet P/2012 O1. IAU CBET 3186.
- Bressi, T. H. 2012. Incidental Followup Observations of Comet P/2012 R2 = P/1996 A1. IAU CBET 3247.
- McMillan, R. S. 2012. Incidental Followup Observations of Comet P/2012 S5 = P/1997 C1. IAU CBET 3248.
- Bressi, T. H. 2012. Targeted Followup Observations of Comet P/2012 T2. IAU CBET 3254.
- Bressi, T. H. 2012. Discovery and Followup Observations of Comet C/2012 T5. IAU CBET 3258.
- Bressi, T. H. 2012. Discovery and Followup Observations of Comet C/2012 T5. IAU CBET 3261.
- McMillan, R. S. 2012. Incidental Prediscovery Observations of Comet P/2012 WX_32 = 1931 AN = 2003 WZ_141 (TOMBAUGH-TENAGRA) IAU CBET 3342.
- Scotti, J. V., and T. H. Bressi. 2013. Discovery and Followup Observations of Comet P/2013 A2. IAU CBET 3376.
- Scotti, J. V. 2013. Targeted Recovery Observations of Comet P/2013 A3 = P/2005 YQ_127. IAU CBET 3384.
- Scotti, J. V. 2013. Targeted Recovery Observations of Comet P/2013 B1 = P/2006 K2. IAU CBET 3387.
- Scotti, J. V. 2013. Followup Observations and First Recognition of Comet P/2013 AL_76. IAU CBET 3389.
- Scotti, J. V. 2013. Targeted Recovery Observations of Comet P/2013 C1 = P/2004 H2. IAU CBET 3404.
- Scotti, J. V. 2013. Recognition and Followup Observations of Comet C/2012 LP26. IAU CBET 3408.
- Bressi, T. H., J. V. Scotti, R. S. McMillan, and M. L. Terenzoni. 2013. Prediscovery, Recognition and Followup Observations of Comet P/2013 CE_31. IAU CBET 3418.
- Scotti, J. V. 2013. Incidental Prediscovery Observations of Comet P/2013 CE31. IAU CBET 3436.
- McMillan, R. S. 2013. Targeted Followup Observations of Comet C/2013 G1. IAU CBET 3454.
- Bressi, T. H. 2013. Incidental Discovery Observations of Comet P/2013 EV9. IAU CBET 3503.
- Jedicke, R., and M. T. Read. 2013. Incidental Prediscovery Observations of Comet P/2013 EV9. IAU CBET 3504.
- Scotti, J. V. 2013. Targeted Recovery Observations of Comet P/2013 J1 = P/2007 H1. IAU CBET 3505.
- McMillan, R. S., and T. H. Bressi. 2013. Targeted Followup Observations of Comet P/2013 J4. IAU CBET 3521.
- Bressi, T. H. 2013. Prediscovery Observations of Comet P/2013 EW90. IAU CBET 3522.
- Scotti, J. V. 2013. Targeted Followup Observations of Comet C/2013 J5. IAU CBET 3534.
- Scotti, J. V. 2013. Targeted Recovery Observations of Comet P/2013 L1 = P/2006 R2. IAU CBET 3541.
- Scotti, J. V. 2013. Targeted Followup Observations of Comet C/2013 L2. IAU CBET 3548.
- Bressi, T. H. 2013. Incidental Prediscovery Observations of Comet P/2013 P1. IAU CBET 3618.
- Scotti, J. V. 2013. Targeted Recovery of Comet P/2006 XG_16. IAU CBET 3655.
- McMillan, R. S. 2013. Targeted Followup Observations of Comet P/2013 T1. IAU CBET 3668.
- Bressi, T. H., and R. S. McMillan. 2013. Discovery and Followup Observations of COMET P/2013 TW_5 (SPACEWATCH®). IAU CBET 3669.
- Bressi, T. H., and R. S. McMillan. 2013. Discovery and Followup Observations of COMET P/2013 TW_5 (SPACEWATCH®). Replaces CBET 3669. IAU CBET 3670.
- Scotti, J. V. 2013. Incidental and Targeted Recovery Observations of Comet Comet P/2002 AR2 = 2013 Y1. IAU CBET 3766.
- Scotti, J. V. 2014. Targeted Followup Observations of Comet P/2014 A2. IAU CBET 3780.
- Scotti, J. V. 2014. Targeted Followup Observations of Comet P/2014 A3. IAU CBET 3782.
- Scotti, J. V. 2014. Targeted Recovery Observations of Comet P/2014 C4=P/2007 C1. IAU CBET 3837.
- Scotti, J. V., and R. S. McMillan. 2014. Incidental Co-discovery and Targeted Followup Observations of Comet C/2013 PE67, formerly known as Outer Solar System Object 2013 PE67. IAU CBET 3851.
- Mastaler, R. A. Incidental Discovery Observations of Comet P/2014 MG4. IAU CBET 3924.
- Tubbiolo, A. F., and T. H. Bressi. 2014. Incidental Recovery Observations of COMET P/1997 G1 = 2014 U1 (MONTANI). IAU CBET 4005.
- Scotti, J. V., A. F. Tubbiolo, and R. A. Mastaler. 2014. Incidental and Targeted Followup Observations of Comet P/2014 U4. IAU CBET 4014.
- Mastaler, R. A. 2014. Targeted Followup Observations of Comet P/2014 V1. IAU CBET 4015.
- Scotti, J. V. 2014. Targeted Followup Observations of Comet C/2014 W5. IAU CBET 4023.
- Tubbiolo, A. F. 2014. Targeted Followup Observations of Comet C/2014 TG64. IAU CBET 4025.
- Bressi, T. H. 2015. Targeted Followup Observations of Comet P/2015 HC_10 = P/2004 R1. IAU CBET 4094.
- Bressi, T. H. 2015. Discovery and Followup Observations of Long-Period Comet C/2015 H1 (Bressi). IAU CBET 4095.
- Mastaler, R. A. 2015. Targeted Followup Observations of Comet P/2015 J3 Discovered by NEOWISE. IAU CBET 4102.
- Scotti, J. V. 2015. Targeted Recovery Observations of Comet P/2015 K3 = P/2010 R2. IAU CBET 4107.
- Bressi, T. H., and J. V. Scotti. 2015. Targeted Followup Observations of Comet P/2015 M2. IAU CBET 4117.
- Scotti, J. V. 2015. Targeted Followup Observations of Comet C/2015 M3. IAU CBET 4118.
- Scotti, J. V. 2015. Discovery and Followup Observations of Comet C/2015 Q1. IAU CBET 4138.
- Bressi, T. H., and J. V. Scotti. 2015. Incidental and Targeted Followup Observations of Comet P/1998 QP54 = 2015 S1. IAU CBET 4146.
- Bressi, T. H. 2015. Targeted Followup Observations of Comet P/2015 T3. IAU CBET 4152.
- Bressi, T. H. 2016. Targeted Followup Observations of Comet C/2016 A5. IAU CBET 4238.
- Scotti, J. V. 2016. Targeted Followup Observations of Comet C/2016 C2. IAU CBET 4260.
- Tubbiolo, A. F. 2016. Targeted Followup Observations of Comet C/2016 E2. IAU CBET 4266.
- Scotti, J. V. 2016. Targeted Followup Observations of Comet P/2016 P1. IAU CBET 4297.
- Scotti, J. V. 2016. Targeted Followup Observations of Comet P/2016 N6. IAU CBET 4309.
- Bressi, T. H. 2016. Prediscovery Observations of Comet P/2016 Q3 = P/2008 SH164. IAU CBET 4312.
- Mastaler, R. A. 2016. Targeted Followup Observations of Comet C/2016 P4. IAU CBET 4317.
- McMillan, R. S. 2016. Targeted Followup Observations of Comet C/2016 T2. IAU CBET 4330.
- Scotti, J. V. 2017. Targeted Recovery Observations of Comet P/2017 B2 = P/2010 J5. IAU CBET 4352.
- McMillan, R. S. 2017. Targeted Followup Observations of Comet C/2017 E1. IAU CBET 4369.
- Bressi, T. H. 2017. Targeted Followup Observations of Comet C/2017 D5. IAU CBET 4378.
- McMillan, R. S. 2017. Targeted Followup Observations of Comet C/2017 F2. IAU CBET 4381.
- Scotti, J. V. 2017. Prediscovery Observations of Comet P/2017 S4 = P/2006 UR_111 (SPACEWATCH®). IAU CBET 4433.
- Tubbiolo, A. F. 2017. Targeted Followup Observations of Comet P/2017 S8 (PANSTARRS). IAU CBET 4447.
- Scotti, J. V. 2017. Targeted Followup Observations of Comet P/2017 U3 (PANSTARRS ). IAU CBET 4452.
- Scotti, J. V. 2017. Targeted Followup Observations of Comet P/2017 U4 (PANSTARRS). IAU CBET 4456.
- Scotti, J. V. 2018. Targeted Followup Observations of Comet P/2018 A6 (Gibbs). IAU CBET 4479.
- Read, M. T. 2018. Discovery Observations of Comet P/2018 C1 (Lemmon-Read). IAU CBET 4487.
- McMillan, R. S. 2018. Targeted Followup Observations of Comet P/2018 H2 (PANSTARRS). IAU CBET 4512.
- Bressi, T.H. 2018. Targeted Followup Observations of Comet P/2018 K1 (Weiland). IAU CBET 4456.
- Bressi, T. H. 2018. Targeted Observations of Comet C/2018 K1 (WEILAND). IAU CBET 4518.
- Scotti, J. V. 2018. Targeted Observations of Comet P/2018 L4 (PANSTARRS) IAU CBET 4527.
- Mastaler, R. A., and J. V. Scotti. 2018. Targeted Observations of Comet P/2018 L5 (LEONARD) IAU CBET 4528.
- Mastaler, R. A., and T. H. Bressi. 2018. Targeted Observations of Comet C/2018 V2 (ATLAS). IAU CBET 4578.
- Read, M. T., R. A. Mastaler, and R. S. McMillan. 2018. Targeted Observations of Comets A/2018 V3 & COMET C/2018 V4 (AFRICANO). IAU CBET 4579.
- Mastaler, R. A. 2019. Targeted Observations of Comet P/2019 A4 (PANSTARRS). IAU CBET 4600.
- McMillan, R. S. 2019. Targeted Observations of Comet P/2019 A6 (LEMMON-PANSTARRS). IAU CBET 4602.
- Mastaler, R. A., and R. S. McMillan. 2019. Targeted Observations of Comet P/2019 A7 (PANSTARRS). IAU CBET 4605.
- Mastaler, R. A. 2019. Targeted Observations of Comet P/2019 A8 (PANSTARRS). IAU CBET 4608.
- McMillan, R. S. 2019. Targeted Observations of Comet C/2019 D1 (FLEWELLING). IAU CBET 4614.
- Bressi, T. H. 2019. Targeted Observations of Comet P/2019 G1 = P/2011 O2 (PANSTARRS). IAU CBET 4618.
- Mastaler, R. A. and R. S. McMillan. 2019. Targeted Observations of Comet C/2019 F2 (ATLAS). IAU CBET 4620.
- Mastaler, R. A., and R. S. McMillan. 2019. Targeted Observations of Comet C/2019 H1 (NEOWISE). IAU CBET 4623.
- Tubbiolo, A. F. 2019. Targeted Observations of Comet C/2019 K5 (YOUNG). IAU CBET 4637.
- Tubbiolo, A. F. 2019. Targeted Observations of Comet C/2019 L1 (PANSTARRS). IAU CBET 4639.
- Tubbiolo, A. F. 2019. Targeted Observations of Comet C/2019 K8 (ATLAS). IAU CBET 4646.
- Scotti, J. V. and A. F. Tubbiolo. 2019. Targeted Observations of Comet P/2019 S2 (PANSTARRS). IAU CBET 4673.
- Scotti, J. V. 2019. Targeted Observations of Comet P/2019 S3 (PANSTARRS). IAU CBET 4674.
- McMillan, R. S. 2019. Targeted Observations of Comet C/2019 T5 (ATLAS). IAU CBET 4682.
- McMillan, R. S. 2019. Targeted Observations of Comet C/2019 T5 (ATLAS). IAU CBET 4683.
- McMillan, R. S. 2019. Targeted Observations of Comet P/2019 T6 (PANSTARRS). IAU CBET 4684.
- Bressi, T. H. 2020. Targeted Observations of Comet P/2019 Y3 (CATALINA). IAU CBET 4711.
- Tubbiolo, A. F. 2020. Targeted Observations of Comet P/2019 X2 (PANSTARRS). IAU CBET 4713.
- Mastaler, R. A. 2020. Targeted Observations of Comet C/2019 Y5 (PANSTARRS). IAU CBET 4819.